
Rising Sea Levels Are Not Bad

Brief Responses to Climate Change Denialism Statements

CPSG 200 Science & Global Change Sophomore Colloquium

Rising sea levels aren't bad; people can just move away from the coasts.

You’re wrong. Sea levels will continue to rise and displace the some 40% of the world’s population that lives near the coast. It would displace about 2.4 million people if the sea levels were to rise as high as predicted. Not everyone would be able to relocate when their homes are destroyed because they may not be able to afford it Even if people had a viable location to go to, they would not necessarily have the financial means to do so. People would be unlikely to move or relocate until their home floods and they are left with nothing. The houses would still be destroyed along with businesses, essential bridges/roads, and farmland. These property damages will end up costing the U.S. 1.4 trillion dollars per year by 2100 (SLR). This would end up costing more money to pay back the damages, then to set up barriers and attempt to halt these damages now. The U.S. is a big contributor of Official Development Assistance, meaning, money will go to developing countries also being affected by the sea level rise. NASA believes the water could rise from .2-2 m in by the year 2100. Sea level is a broader and more complex issue than just getting people away from the coasts before the sea water rises.

For More Information:

Geisler, C., and B. Currens. 2017. Impediments to inland resettlement under conditions of accelerated sea level rise. Land Use Policy Vol. 66: pg 322-330. DOI:

Jevrejeva, S., L Jackson, A Grinsted, D Lincke, and B Marzeion. 2018. Flood damage costs under the sea level rise with warming of 1.5C and 2C Environmental Research Letters Vol. 13: DOI:

Anonymous. 25 June 2018. What percentage of the American population lives near the coast? National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Accessed 21 October 2018.

Nagaraja, Mamta. 4 October 2018. Living Ocean NASA. Accessed 21 October 2018.

Anonymous. Nd. Understanding Sea Level NASA Accessed 21 October 2018.

Contributed by: Alex Melton, Sam Sekscienski, Aley Oberdorf

Last modified: 21 October 2018