
Climate Change will be too Difficult to Fix

Brief Responses to Climate Change Denialism Statements

CPSG 200 Science & Global Change Sophomore Colloquium

Climate Change will be too difficult to fix

Imagine this, if you were to get into a horrible car accident or get some kind deadly disease and had to go to the hospital, you would want the doctor to do anything and everything they could do to help you stay alive and survive, no matter how difficult. So, how can we say something the complete opposite about the Earth. Global Warming and climate change are like a disease that we humans have put unto this Earth, killing it slowly, but we are also the doctors; it is our job to save the Earth no matter how difficult. So how do we save the Earth from its disease that is climate change? We can save the Earth by scaling up the level at which we are reducing the emissions of greenhouse gasses. A 2004 study by Pascala and Socolow investigates 15 different options for further reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These options range from improving fuel economy and building efficiency, to increasing the amount of renewable energy used around the world, to storing carbon captured in different kinds of power plants. Most of the activities they discussed in their study are already scaled for industry but increasing these solutions more and relying on them as opposed to fossil fuels will allow for the amount of carbon and greenhouse gasses we emit into the environment to decrease significantly and for us to save our planet. It’s not too difficult, it’s as easy as just making small changes over time to the way we live our lives.

For More Information:
Pascala, S., Socolow, R. 2004. Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies. Science 305: 968-972. Doi: 10.1126/science.1100103

Contributed by: Justin Arguaer & Dhananjay Narayanan

Last modified: 22 October 2018