CPSG200 Science & Global Change Sophomore Colloquium
The Search for Solutions: Resiliency in the Decade of Consequences

ONLINE Mon. 3:30-4:50 pm Eastern
SGC Website
Course Syllabus Website
Course Schedule Website
ELMS Canvas Website


Week Date & Topic

Week of 8/31 8/31 Zoom: Welcome Back; Logistics of Class
Lecture: Resiliency in the Age of Consequences
Lecture: Overview of S4S Team Project
Week of 9/8 9/8 Zoom: None - Labor Day (holidays? What are those??)
Lecture: Agents of Change & Geoengineering
Reading: Drawdown pp. ix-xv
Week of 9/14 9/14 Zoom: Review of Practicum Options; Review of "Search for Solutions" Team Project; Discussion: Global Change Issues in the News; Intro to Future Shock
Lecture: Future Shock: The Unexpected Impacts of Technology
9/19 Quiz 1 due
Week of 9/21 9/21 Zoom: Implications of Future Shock; Discussion: Mature and Available Energy Technology
9/21 S4S Team Project Team List, Topic Choice due
Lecture: Communicating Science: Science & the News Media
Reading: Drawdown "Energy", "Transport"; Sagan Chap. 22
9/25 S4S Team Project Contract due
Week of 9/28 9/28 Zoom: Examples of Science Communcation
Lecture: Science on the Fringes
Reading: Sagan Chaps. 17-19
Week of 10/5 10/5 Zoom: New and Experimental Energy Technology
Lecture: Why Deny? An Examination of Climate Change Deniers and Other "Science Skeptics"
Reading: Drawdown "Coming Attractions"
10/9 Quiz 2 due
10/9 Science & the Media Report due
Week of 10/12 10/12 Zoom: Revamping Infrastructure for a Resilient Society
Lecture: Fake News, Social Media & Echo Chambers
Reading: Drawdown "Building and Cities", "Land Use", "Materials"; Sagan Chaps. 23-24
Week of 10/19 10/19 Zoom: New Approaches to Agriculture
Lecture: The Culture of Science: Who Pays for Science?
Reading: Drawdown "Food"
Week of 10/26 10/26 Zoom: Who Pays for Science?
10/26 Draft of "Search for Solutions" presentation due
Lecture: The First Word in "Science Fiction"
Reading: Sagan Chaps. 23-24
10/30 Quiz 3 due
Week of 11/2 11/2 Zoom: Social and Cultural Action to Reduce and Survive Global Change
Lecture: Natural History Matters: Common Misunderstandings Within the Environmental Community
Reading: Drawdown "Women and Girls"
11/6 Final Recorded "Search for Solutions" Presentation due
Week of 11/9 11/9 Zoom: Guest Presentation: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (David Tana, Maryland Outreach Manager)
Lecture: Start watching student "Search for Solutions" videos
11/13 Practicum Proposal due
Week of 11/16 11/16 Zoom: Geoengineering and Other Mega-Projects
Lecture: Finish watching student "Search for Solutions" videos
Reading: On ELMS
11/20 Quiz 4 due
11/20 Student Evaluation of Videos and S4S Within-Team Peer Evaluations due
Week of 11/23 11/23 Zoom: Energy & Environment Policy Choices
Lecture: Mad Science in Culture and in History
Reading: Sagan Chap. 25
Week of 11/30 11/30 Zoom: Global Energy & Environment Policy Simulation I
Lecture: Science as a Defense Against Tyranny
Week of 12/7 12/7 Zoom: Global Energy & Environment Policy Simulation II & Reflection
Lecture: The World Set Free: The Enlightenment and the New Revolution
12/11 Quiz 5 due
Week of 12/14 12/14 Zoom: Lessons Learned
12/14 Final Quiz, SGC 3-Semester Review, Learning Contract, Excursion Report due