Angela G Marusiak      •       Geology Department University of Maryland - College Park          • 



01 June 2020: New Position at JPL

Starting in June, I will begin my new role as postdoctoral researcher at JPL! I'm excited to continue working on icy ocean world seismology and the InSight mission to Mars.


24th April 2020: Thesis Defended!

I'm happy to announce that I have passed my thesis defense! Thank you to my advisor, as well as my friends and family for their support.


18th March 2020: SRL Paper now Available

Our Data Mine paper is now available here!


8-13th December: AGU Week

I'll be presenting my latest work on ambient seismicity at AGU's Fall Meeting. My poster will appear at P53D 3478 on Friday. Not at AGU on Friday? Come find me during the week and I can show you the poster on my laptop.


10th November: New publication now available on Space Science Reviews

Our paper " Lunar Seismology: An Update on Interior Structure Models " is now available on


23rd October 2019: Two Scientists Walk into a Bar

Denizens Brewing Co. in Riverdale will be hosting me and another scientists for the National Academies of Science, Two Scientists walk into a Bar program. Come ask me questions over a pint of beer!


25th September 2019: IRIS Webinar on InSight

I'll be giving an IRIS webinar on the InSight mission. Register and watch live, or check it out on the IRIS youtube channel.


12th September 2019: Public Lecture at Potomac Geophysical Society

Come hear me discuss the past, present, and future of planetary seismology.


05 August - 09 August 2019: JPL Planetary Summer Science Seminar

I'll be attending the JPL PSSS in Pasadena, CA. This exciting opportunity has allowed me to work with other early career planetary scientists and engineers. We will be writing a New Horizons style proposal for a mission to an Interstellar Object or Long-period Comet.


24 July 2019: Dean's Fellowship Awarded for Academic 2019-2020

Thank you to UMD and the Geology Department for this award. The recognition and financial support is greatly appreciated.


03 July 2019: Expert-Is-In at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History

Come by today to hear me talk about Earthquakes, the InSight Mission, and how seismology can be used to explore our own planet and solar system. I'll be in the Geology Hall on the 2nd floor.


10 April 2019: Seismological Society of America (SSA) Travel Grant Awarded

Thank you to the SSA for awarding me $1325 to attend the 15th InSight Science Team Meeting in Paris!


08-10 April 2019: Voices for Science Orientation

I'll be in Washington DC learning how to properly communicate with the media and general public. I'm excited to meet my cohorts and plan the next year of science communication.


17-24 March 2019: LPSC week

I'll be attending LPSC this week where I'll be presenting my poster at Tuesday night's poster session. Come check it out!


14 March 2019: Accepted to Voices for Science Program

 I'm excited to announce I'll be part of the 2019 Class of Voices for Science media/public communications track. For the next year I'll be learning how to better communicate science with the media. Stay tuned for some exciting science communications!


25 February-01 March 2019: InSight Team Meeting

This week I'll be in Pasadena for the 14th InSight Team Meeting. I'm looking forward to the science discussions. On Thursday I'll be presenting results of a blindtest with Renee Weber and Raphael Garcia. Go InSight!


06 February 2019: Talk at GSW

I'll be giving a talk at the next Geological Society of Washington (GSW) meeting. The talk will be on using Greenland as an analog site to study Ocean Worlds. For details on the meeting time and location see GSW's homepage.


10-14 December 2018: AGU Week

Stop by my talk Thursday morning, 10:50 am in room 207b to see the latest results from SIIOS. I'll be presenting results from our two analog locations; Gulkana Glacier and Northwest Greenland.


26 November 2018: InSight lands on Mars!

InSight has successfully landed on Mars. The solar arrays have unfolded and the first two photos from Mars have been released. Updates on the mission can be found on InSight's webpage.


20-24 September 2018: SIIOS takes over @AmericanGeophysicalUnion Instragram

The SIIOS team will be taking over AGU's instagram. We'll be posting photos from our Greenland fieldwork. This is a great way for us to engage the general public and showcase our science and hardwork. Follow #SIIOS for all SIIOS related posts.


01 August 2018: Field Work in Greenland

The SIIOS team will be heading back to Greenland to month to perform more geophysical experiments and retrieve our seismometers that have been collecting data since June. Analysis of this work will be presented at the AGU meeting in December. We will also be taking over AGU's Instagram in late September. Our posts will show how we conduct some our experiments, including active source seismic tests. It will also show life in the field and the logistics of deploying/retrieving seismometers. As always you can follow SIIOS updates via the SIIOS homepage, Facebook, and Twitter.


18-22 June 2018: ISSI Meeting in Beijing

Last week's meting in Beijing was very productive. It was great to meet with the team again and further our discussions. Two journal articles are being prepped for submission. Check back for additional updates.


16 May 2018: NESSF Proposal Accepted!

My proposal entitled: Single-Station Seismometer Analogs and Approaches for the Investigation of Icy Worlds was one of 24 planetary science proposals selected for the 2018 NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowships (NESSF). I'm thrilled to be self-funded for the rest of my PhD (pending renewals). A special thanks to my advisor, Nicholas Schmerr, the SIIOS team, and my friends and family for their support.


05 May 2018: InSight's Launch is Successful!

I was fortunate enough to attend the science team meeting and InSight's launch. Although the launch was obscured by the fog, it was still a very exciting event. It was great to meet the other team members and receive feedback on my current work.


18-23 March 2018: LPSC week

I'll be attending LPSC this week where I'll be presenting my poster. Come check it out!


13-27 October 2017: ISSI Meeting in Bern

The ISSI team working on Apollo Era seismograms, datasets, and interior structure models met in Bern for our first team meeting.