GEOL 102 Historical Geology

Spring Semester 2012
Introduction to the Precambrian, The Hadean Eon, & the Archean Eon: Strange Aeons

Precambrian: general term for all time before the Phanerozoic Eon.
Other names for Precambrian: Azoic (lifeless) or Cryptozoic (hidden life).

Special terminology for Precambrian rock exposures and distributions:

Standard international stratigraphic nomenclature does not recognize a formal "Precambrian". Instead, uses three divisions: the Hadean (of Hades), Archean (ancient), and Proterozoic (earliest life) Eons.

Before The Hadean Eon: >4.56 Ga
Formation of Proto-Earth (& the Rest of the Solar System): Solar system coalesces out of remains of dust clouds produced by earlier generations of supernovae. Particles clump together to form planetessimals, which are comprised of various combinations of:

As these lump together, they become more massive and exert more gravitational pull, attracting more material, becoming more massive, exerting more gravitational pull, etc. Soon the vast majority of this material is clumped into the various large bodies of the Solar System, with a tiny fraction left over to form today's asteroids, comets, and Kuiper Belt Objects. The Proto-Earth (called "Tellus" by some) is one of the largest bodies in the interior part of the Solar System.

A Star Is Born: However, the VAST majority of the Solar System's mass is in the Sun. Gravitational forces of this mass starts fusing hydrogen into helium, and the Sun ignites. Originally it was dimmer than today, but still it shone. Solar wind and photon pressure began to sweep the Solar System clear of much debris.

Hadean Eon:

The Iron Catastrophe: Although the Earth is not a star, it (or at least the Proto-Earth) too went through a profound change in its earliest history. Originally the ices, organics, silicates, and metals would have been randomly mixed together, but a combination of gravitational heating, heating from impacts of planetessimals, and radioactive heating from some of the isotopes found in the silicates and metals caused the material of Proto-Earth to melt. The heaviest materials (mostly metals, especially iron and nickel) sank to the interior to form the core; the silicates "floated" on top to form the mantle. Ices melted into gasses and liquids, and they and organics got mixed in with other material. With a metallic core, Earth now had a magnetosphere.

The Primordial Atmosphere: Proto-Earth's original atmosphere would have mostly been hydrogen and helium, like the gas giants. However, it lost much of this atmosphere to a number of factors:

Bad Moon Rising: About 4.533 Ga, a Mars-sized planet (called "Theia" by some) collided into the Proto-Earth ("Tellus"). Theia and a substantial fraction of the Earth's mantle was vaporized. The matter that remained in orbit around the Earth coallesced to form the Moon; the rest rained back down to the surface of the Earth. (So the matter of Proto-Earth + Theia became redistributed to form today's Earth + Moon).

As a result of the birth of the moon:

Archean Eon:

Record of the oldest rocks is very poor: because of great age, is often buried and/or has been recycled (metamorphosed, melted, etc.) over the last few billion years.

(Note: Archean (-EAN) refers to a part of Earth history; archaean (-AEAN) refers to a type of prokaryotic organism, and is thus a branch of the Tree of Life.)

During Archean:

Find unusual lithologies and suites of rocks in Archean:

Note that there does seem to be a form of mineral evolution: not minerals descending from earlier minerals, but rather large scale changes in the chemical conditions of the Earth (and before that, the proto-Earth) that allow for different suites of minerals to be formed at different periods.

Some famous localities:

Where did granitic material come from, if midocean ridges only produce mafic materials?
A "hot topic" in historical igneous studies, but seems to be related to partial melting and recycling of materials near ancient subduction zones: as material is subducted and remelted in the presence of water, produces lots of felsic materials. These bubble up as a sort of "scum". Comparable granitic material is present in modern Iceland.

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Last modified: 19 January 2012