Peer Reviewed Papers and Chapters -- Roberta L. Rudnick



61. Vauchez, A., Dineur, F. and Rudnick, R.L. (2004) Microstructure, texture and seismic anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle above a mantle plume: Insights from the Labait volcano xenoliths ( Tanzania ), Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (in revision).

60. Rudnick, R.L. , Tomascak, P.B., Njo, H.B., Gardner, R.L. (2004) Extreme isotopic fractionation during continental weathering revealed in saprolites from South Carolina, Chem. Geol. (in press).

59. Rudnick, R.L. , Gao, S., Ling, W., Liu, Y.-S., McDonough, W.F. (2004) Petrology and geochemistry of spinel peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba and Qixia, North China craton, In (Mitchell, R., Scott-Smith, B., Heaman, L., Stachel, T., eds.) Proceedings of the Eighth International Kimberlite Conf., Lithos 77: 609-637.

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58. Teng, F.-Z., McDonough, W.F., Rudnick, R.L ., Dalpé, C., Tomascak, P.B., Chappell, B.W. and Gao, S. (2004) Lithium isotopic composition and concentration of the upper continental crust, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68: 4,167-4,178.

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57. Gao, S., Rudnick, R.L ., Yuan, H.-L., Liu, X.-M., Liu, Y.-S., Ling, W.-L., Ayers, J., Wang, X.-C. (2004) Recycling lower continental crust in the North China craton, Nature (in revision).



56. Rudnick, R.L. (2003) Introduction, pp. i-iii. In The Crust (ed. R.L. Rudnick) Vol. 3, Treatise on Geochemistry (eds. H.D. Holland and K.K. Turekian), Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford .

55. Rudnick, R.L . and Gao, S. (2003) The Composition of the Continental Crust, pp. 1-64. In The Crust (ed. R.L. Rudnick) Vol. 3, Treatise on Geochemistry (eds. H.D. Holland and K.K. Turekian), Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford .

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54. Zack, T., Tomascak, P.B., Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F., Dalpé, C. (2003) Extremely light Li in orogenic eclogites: the role of isotope fractionation during dehydration in subducted oceanic crust, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett . 208: 279-290.

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53. Barth, M.G., Rudnick, R.L. , Carlson, R.W., Horn, I., McDonough, W.F. (2002) Re-Os and U-Pb geochronological constraints on the eclogite-tonalite connection in the Archean Man Shield, West Africa, Precam. Res . 118, 267-283.

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52. Barth, M.G., Rudnick, R.L. , Horn, I., McDonough, W.F., Spicuzza, M.J., Valley, J.W., Haggerty, S.E. (2002) Geochemistry of xenolithic eclogites from West Africa, Part II: origins of the high MgO eclogites, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66: 4325-4346.

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51. Gao, S., Rudnick, R.L. , Carlson, R.W., McDonough, W.F. and Liu, Y.-S. (2002) Re-Os evidence for replacement of ancient mantle lithosphere beneath the North China Craton, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett . 198: 307-322.

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50. Rudnick, R.L . and Lee, C.-T. (2002) Osmium isotope constraints on tectonic evolution of the lithosphere in the southwestern United States , In (Klemperer, S. and Ernst, W.G., eds.) The Thompson Symposium, Int. Geology Review 44: 501-511.

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49. Barth, M.G., Rudnick, R.L. , Horn, I., McDonough, W.F., Spicuzza, M.J., Valley, J.W., Haggerty, S.E. (2001) Geochemistry of xenolithic eclogites from West Africa, Part I: a link between low MgO eclogites and Archean Crust Formation, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65: 1499-1527.

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48. Lee, C.-T., Rudnick, R.L . and Brimhall, G.H., Jr. (2001) Deep lithospheric dynamics beneath the Sierra Nevada during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as inferred from xenolith petrology, G-cubed 2: 2001GC000152.

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47. Lee, C.-T., Yin, Q., Rudnick, R.L. , and Jacobsen, S.B. (2001) Preservation of ancient and fertile lithospheric mantle beneath the southwestern United States , Nature 411: 69-73.

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46. Pyle, J.M., Spear, F.S., Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F. (2001) Monazite-xenotime and monazite-garnet equilibrium in a prograde pelite sequence, J. Petrol . 42: 2082-2107.

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45. Yin, Q.-Z., Jacobsen, S.B., Lee, C.T., McDonough, W.F, Rudnick, R.L . and Horn, I (2001) A gravimetric K 2 OsCl 6 standard: Application to precise and accurate Os spike calibration, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65: 2113-2128.

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44. Rudnick, R.L. Barth, M.G., Horn, I. and McDonough, W.F. (2000) Rutile-bearing refractory eclogites: missing link between continents and depleted mantle, Science 287 278-281.

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43. Barth, M.G., McDonough, W.F. and Rudnick, R.L. (2000) Tracking the budget of Nb and Ta in the continental crust, Chem. Geol . 165: 197-214.

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42. Horn, I. Rudnick, R.L. and McDonough, W.F. (2000) Precise elemental and isotopic ratio determination by combined solution nebulization and laser ablation ICP-MS: application to U/Pb geochronology, Chem. Geol . 167: 405-425.

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41. Lee, C.-T., Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F. and Horn, I. (2000) Petrologic and geochemical investigation of carbonates in peridotite xenoliths from northeastern Tanzania , Contrib. Mineral. Petrol . 139: 470-484.

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40. Lee, C.-T., Yin, Q., Rudnick, R.L. , Chesley, J.T. and Jacobsen, S.B. (2000) Os isotopic evidence for Mesozoic removal of lithospheric mantle beneath the Sierra Nevada, California, Science 289: 1912-1916.

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39. Vervoort, J.D., Patchett, P.J., Albarede, F., Blichert-Toft, J., Rudnick, R.L. and Downes, H. (2000) Hf-Nd isotopic evolution of the lower crust, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett . 181: 115-129.

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38. Rudnick, R.L. (1999) Elements: large-ion lithophile, In (Marshall, C.P. and Fairbridge, R.W., eds.) The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry , Kluwer Academic Publ., Amsterdam , p. 214.

37. Rudnick, R.L. , Ireland , T.R., Gehrels, G., Irving , A.J., Chesley, J.T. and Hanchar, J.M. (1999) Dating mantle metasomatism: U-Pb geochronology of zircons in cratonic mantle xenoliths from Montana and Tanzania , In (Gurney, J.J., Gurney, J.L., Pascoe, M.D. and Richardson, S.H., eds.) The Nixon Volume, Proc. Seventh Int. Kimberlite Conf. , pp. 728-735.

36. Rudnick, R.L. and Nyblade, A.A. (1999) The composition and thickness of Archean continental roots: constraints from xenolith thermobarometry, In (Fei, Y.-W., Bertka, C.M. and Mysen, B.O., eds.) Mantle Petrology: Field Observations and High-Pressure Experimentation: A Tribute to Francis R. (Joe) Boyd , Geochemical Soc. Spec. Publ. 6, 3-12.

35. Chesley, J.T., Rudnick, R.L. and Lee, C.-T. (1999) Re-Os systematics of mantle xenoliths from the East African Rift: evidence for longevity of cratonic mantle and metasomatic Os addition, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63 1203-1217.

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34. Lee, C.-T. and Rudnick, R.L. (1999) Compositionally stratified cratonic lithosphere: petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths from the Labait tuff cone, Tanzania , In (Gurney, J.J., Gurney, J.L., Pascoe, M.D. and Richardson , S.H., eds.) The Nixon Volume, Proc. Seventh Int. Kimberlite Conf . pp. 503-521.



1998 Eggins, S. M., Rudnick, R. L., and McDonough, W. F. (1998) The composition of peridotites and their minerals: a laser-ablation ICP-MS study. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 154: 53-71.

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33. Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F. and O'Connell, R.J. (1998) Thermal structure, thickness and composition of continental lithosphere, Chem. Geol ., Special issue: Geochemical Earth Reference Model, 145: 399-416.

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32. Eggins, S.M., Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F. (1998) The composition of peridotites and their minerals: a laser ablation ICP-MS study, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett . 154: 53-71.

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31. McDonough, W.F. and Rudnick, R.L. (1998) Mineralogy and composition of the upper mantle, In (Hemley, R., ed.) Ultrahigh-pressure Mineralogy: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth's Deep Interior , Rev. Mineralogy V. 37, Mineralogical Soc. Am., Washington, D.C., pp. 139-164.

30. Saal, A., Rudnick, R.L. , Ravizza, G. and Hart, S.R. (1998) Re-Os isotope evidence for assimilation and fractional crystallization in the formation of lower continental crust. Nature 393: 58-61.



29. Dawson, J.B., Harley, S.M., Rudnick, R.L. and Ireland , T.R. (1997) Equilibration and reaction in Archaean quartz-sapphirine granulite xenoliths from the Lace kimberlite pipe, South Africa , J. Metamorphic Geol . 15: 253-266.



28. Rudnick, R.L. (1995) Making continental crust. Nature 378: 571-578.

27. Rudnick, R.L. and Fountain, D.M. (1995) Nature and composition of the continental crust: a lower crustal perspective. Rev. Geophysics 33: 267-309.

26. Rudnick, R.L . and Jackson, I.N.S. (1995) Measured and calculated elastic wave speeds in partially equilibrated mafic granulite xenoliths: implications for the properties of an underplated lower continental crust. J. Geophys. Res . 100: 10,211-10,218.

25. Hanchar, J.M. and Rudnick, R.L. (1995) Revealing hidden structures: the application of cathodoluminescence and back-scattered electron imaging to dating zircons from lower crustal xenoliths. Lithos 36: 289-303.



24. Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F. and Orpin, A. (1994) Northern Tanzanian peridotite xenoliths: a comparison with Kaapvaal peridotites and inferences on metasomatic interactions. In (Meyer, H.O.A. and Leonardos, O., eds.) Kimberlites, Related Rocks and Mantle Xenoliths , Vol. 1 (Proceedings Fifth Int. Kimb. Conf.), C.P.R.M., Brasilia , p. 336-353.

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23. Canil, D., O'Neill, H.St.C., Pearson, D.G., Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F. and Carswell, D.A. (1994) Ferric iron in peridotites and mantle oxidation states, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett . 123: 205-220.

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22. Ireland , T.R., Rudnick, R.L ., Spetsius, Z. (1994) Trace elements in diamond inclusions from eclogites reveal link to Archean granites, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 128: 199-213.

21. Ewart, A., Bryan , W.B., Chappell, B.W. and Rudnick, R.L . (1994) Regional geochemistry of the Lau-Tonga arc and back-arc systems, Proc. ODP, Init. Rept ., 135: 385-425, College Station , TX .



20. Rudnick, R.L. , Eldridge, C.S. and Bulanova, G.P. (1993) Diamond growth history from in situ measurements of Pb and S isotopic compositions of sulfide inclusions. Geology 21: 13-16.

19. Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F. and Chappell, B.W. (1993) Carbonatite metasomatism in the northern Tanzanian mantle: petrographic and geochemical characteristics. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 114: 463-476.

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18. Rudnick, R.L. (1992) Xenoliths -- samples of the lower continental crust. In (Fountain, D., Arculus, R. and Kay, R.W., eds.) Continental Lower Crust , Elsevier, Amsterdam p. 269-316.

17. Rudnick, R.L. (1992) Restites, Eu anomalies and the lower continental crust. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56: 963-970.



16. Rudnick, R.L. and Taylor, S.R. (1991) Petrology and geochemistry of lower crustal xenoliths from northern Queensland and inferences on lower crustal composition. In (Drummond, B., ed) The Australian Lithosphere , Spec. Pub. Geol. Soc. Australia 17: 189-208.

15. Rudnick, R.L. and Cameron, K.L. (1991) Age diversity of the deep crust in northern Mexico . Geology 19: 1197-1200.

14. McDonough, W.F., Rudnick, R.L. and McCulloch, M.T. (1991) The isotopic and chemical nature of the lower portion of the eastern Australian lithosphere. In (Drummond, B., ed) The Australian Lithosphere , Spec. Pub. Geol. Soc. Australia 17: 163-188.



13. Rudnick, R.L. (1990) Nd and Sr isotopic composition of lower crustal xenoliths from north Queensland , Australia : implications for Nd model ages and crustal growth processes. Chem. Geol . 83: 195-208.

12. Rudnick, R.L. and Presper, T. (1990) Geochemistry of intermediate- to high-pressure granulites. In (Vielzeuf, D. and Vidal, Ph., eds.) Granulites and Crustal Differentiation , NATO ASI ser., Kluwer, Dordrecht , pp. 523-550.

11. Rudnick, R.L . and Goldstein, S.L. (1990) Pb isotopic compositions of lower crustal xenoliths and the evolution of lower crustal Pb. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 98: 192-207.




10. Jackson, I., Rudnick, R.L. , O'Reilly, S.Y. and Bezant, C. (1989) Measured and calculated elastic wave velocities for xenoliths from the lower crust and upper mantle. Tectonophys . 173: 207-210.



9. Rudnick, R.L. and Taylor, S.R. (1987) The composition and petrogenesis of the lower continental crust: a xenolith study. J. Geophys. Res. 92: 13981-14006.


8. Rudnick, R.L. and Williams, I.S. (1987) Dating the lower crust by ion microprobe. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 85: 145-161.



7. Rudnick, R.L. and Taylor, S.R. (1986) Geochemistry of Archean tonalites and trondhjemites and implications for lower crustal composition. In ( Dawson , J.B., ed) The Nature of the Lower Continental Crust. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. No . 25: 179-191.


6. Rudnick, R.L. , McDonough, W.F., McCulloch, M.T. and Taylor, S.R. (1986) Lower crustal xenoliths from Queensland , Australia : evidence for deep crustal assimilation and fractionation of continental basalts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 50: 1099-1115.


5. Taylor , S.R., Rudnick, R.L. , McLennan, S.M. and Eriksson, K.A. (1986) Rare earth element patterns in Archean high-grade metasediments and their tectonic significance. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 50: 2267-2280.


4. Rudnick, R.L. , McLennan, S.M. and Taylor, S.R. (1985) Large ion lithophile elements in high-pressure granulite facies terrains. Geochimica Cosmochim. Acta 49: 1645-1655.


3. Rudnick, R.L. , Ashwal, L.D., Henry, D.J., Gibson, E.K, Jr., Roedder, E., Belkin, H.E. and Collucci, M.T. (1985) Fluid inclusions in stony meteorites -- a cautionary note. Proc. 15 Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., J. Geophys. Res. 90: C669-C676.



2. Rudnick, R.L. , Ashwal, L.D. and Henry, D.J. (1984) Fluid inclusions in high-grade gneisses of the Kapuskasing structural zone, Ontario : metamorphic fluids and uplift/erosion path. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 87: 399-406.


1. Rudnick, R.L. (1983) Geochemistry and tectonic affinities of a Proterozoic bimodal igneous suite, west Texas . Geology 11: 352-355.

Other publications (text book contributions, news items, etc.)


Rudnick, R.L. and Nakamura, E. (2004) Preface, Special Issue on Lithium Isotope Geochemsitry, Chem. Geol. (in press).

Deines, P., Goldstein, S.L., Göpel, C., Oelkers, E., Rudnick, R.L. , Walter, L.M. (2003) Standards for publication of elemental and isotope ratio data in Chemical Geology , Chem. Geol. 202: 1-4.

Rudnick, R.L. (2001) Origin and evolution of the continents, In (Mathez, E., ed.) Earth: Inside and Out , The New Press, New York , 256 pp.

Rudnick, R.L. (2000) Women in science conference highlights disparity, enthusiasm, Gaea XXIII, No. 4: 6-7.

Melzer, A., Rudnick, R.L. , Zeitler, P.K., Levander, A., Humphreys, G., Karlstrom, K., Ekström, G., Carlson, R., Dixon, T., Gurnis, M., Shearer, P., van der Hilst, R. (1999) The USArray initiative, GSA Today 9: 8-10.

Rudnick, R.L. (1990) Continental crust: growing from below. Nature 347: 711-712.