Dr. Tian Gan
I am interested in understanding the synergistic evolution between life and environment over the Earth’s history. As a postdoc, my current research integrates geochemistry into sedimentology and paleontology. Specifically, I employ lithium and uranium isotopes to understand the life-environment co-evolution at the start and end of the Neoproterozoic Era (c.a. 1,000 and 538 Ma, respectively), which are two transitional periods critical for eukaryote diversification, multicellular evolution, and animal explosion.

Dr. Valerie Finlayson
My main interests lie in radiogenic (Nd, Sr, Pb, Hf, Re-Os, W, etc.), and non-traditional stable (Fe) isotope and trace element geochemistry in intraplate volcanic systems and convergent margins. I am also interested in developing novel applications of these data in conjunction with computational and geodynamic methods to better understand the compositional heterogeneity, reservoir distribution, and behavior of the Deep Earth.