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Chao Gao

Graduate Student


GEOL 3108
Geology Building
8000 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742

Fax: (301) 314-9661

cgao1 [at] umd [dot] edu




Research Interests

During my undergraduate study, I worked on projects concerning the mechanism of microseism generation in the ocean and seismic inversion for oceanic lithospheric structure. This experience inspires my interests in mechanism and application of seismic ambient noise. Currently, at University of Maryland, my research involves applying Bayesian Probability Theory in to seismic inversion. By implementing complementary seismic observables into Transdimensional Hierarchical Bayesian inversion, I will be exploring studies constraining the Earth’s crust and upper mantle with a parsimonious solution that fully represents the degree of knowledge one has about seismic structure (i.e. constraints, resolution and trade-offs).


Gao, C., and Lekić, V. (2018) Consequences of parametrization choices in surface wave inversion: insights from transdimensional Bayesian methods. Geophysical Journal International. 215(2) 1037-1063. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggy310

Gao, C., Cunningham, E., Lekic, V. (2019) Spurious low velocity zones in joint inversions of surface waves and receiver functions. Geophysical Journal International. 219 1032-1042. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggz345