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Tom Doody

Graduate Student


CHEM 1223B

Fax: (301) 405-3597

tdoody [at] terpmail [dot] umd [dot] edu




Research Interests

Hydrological and biogeochemical interactions in urbanized watersheds are at the core of my interests. As infrastructure and changing land use have altered water quality, many measures have been implemented restore stream reaches and wetlands. My research will center on biogeochemical evaluations of stream restorations in the Chesapeake Bay area, with a focus on nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus fluxes. Previously, most restoration project evaluations measured bank stabilization and/or habitat development, but rarely changes in water chemistry.

My secondary interests lie in the social sciences surrounding urban waters and ecosystem services. More abundant, improved scientific research in this field relies heavily on the economic,education, and communication issues that impact management and policy. I plan to incorporate a pedagogical component into my research experience to more effectively communicate complex urban watershed science to students and the general public.


Kaushal, S. S., Duan, S., Doody, T. R., Haq, S., Smith, R.M., Newcomer Johnson, T.A., Delaney Newcomb, K., Gorman, J., Bowman, N., Mayer, P.M., Wood, K.L., Belt, K.T., Stack, W.P. (2017) Human-Accelerated Weathering Increases Salinization, Major Ions, and Alkalinization in Fresh Water Across Land Use. Applied Geochemistry. 83 121-135. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.02.006

Reisinger, A. J., Rosi, E.J., Bechtold, H.A., Doody, T.R., Kaushal, S.S., and Groffman, P.M. (2017) Recovery and Resilience of Urban Stream Metabolism Following Superstorm Sandy and Other Floods. Ecosphere. 8(4) e01776. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1776