Getting Credit for Geological Field Camp Onto your Transcript

You can't complete a BS in Geology until credit for field camp appears on your transcript. When it does, it will appear as the transfer equivalent of GEOL490. Making this happen is easy but not automatic. If you take field camp during the summer in which you graduate, it is imperative that you move quickly to get credit transferred.

Do this:

  • Request that the registrar's office of the institution that sponsored your field camp send an official transcript to the University of Maryland's registrar at:
    Office of the Registrar
    Mitchell Building
    College Park, MD
    There may be a small fee associated with this.
  • To be safe, we recommend that you have a second transcript sent to you. It will arrive in a sealed envelope. Do not break the seal.
  • If your field camp credits don't appear on your informal Maryland transcript within two weeks of your request, check with our registrar to verify that it has been received. If it has not, either:
    • supply them with your backup copy or
    • request another copy from the issuing institution
  • When your field camp credits appear, it should be noted that they are the equivalent to GEOL490. If you don't see this, notify the Geology Undergraduate Director immediately.
  • If all of this is to no avail, notify the Geology Undergraduate Director.