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Zhengyu Cai

Research Associate


GEOL 1113
Geology Building
8000 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742

Phone: (301) 314-0954

Fax: (301) 314-9661

zcai [at] umd [dot] edu



Research Interests

My primary research interests are in the fields of continuum mechanics, fracture mechanics, geophysical fluid dynamics and nonlinear science. My research during Ph.D. study focuses on damage theory applied to the fracturing process in multi-phase, multi-component flows during magma migration, carbon sequestration and hydrocarbon recovery utilizing analytical and numerical techniques. In addition, I study rheology of two-phase upper mantle materials by conducting deformational experiments using Griggs apparatus, to explore the weakening mechanism of the lithosphere due to a second phase and pinning effect, which is the key to explain the onset of plate tectonics.

My current project at University of Maryland College Park involves developing a 3-D finite element geodynamic model of melt migration in the upper mantle, incorporating microstructural constraints on the physical properties of the partially molten rocks, and comparing/improving the model with seismic observations.