Graduate Student Awards and Scholarships
- Lastner, Alexander - Green Fellowship
- Pedersen, Matthew - Dean's Fellowship
- Raith, Madeline
- Dean's Fellowship
- Mars Exploration Program Student Travel Grant
- Sun, Jiayang - Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
- Almas, Kiran
- Dean's Fellowship
- ESSIC Travel Award
- Andrews, Lucas - NASA FINESST
- Bader, James - Graduate School’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- Chiappe, Emily - Dean's Fellowship
- Desikamani, Sumedha
- Dean's Fellowship
- Doerrler, Andrew - Dean's Fellowship
- Faison, Tytrice - Deans Fellowship
- Gansler, Kathryn - Department Graduate Award for Excellence in Outreach
- Hanna, Ashley - Scholarship to attend the 2023 NASA/ESA Josep Comas i Solà International Astrobiology Summer School in Santander, Spain
- Hoff, Christiana - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Candidate
- Jaross, Elaine
- AGU Outstanding Student Presentation
- Goldhaber Travel Award
- ESSIC Travel Award
- Lastner, Alexander
- Dean's Fellowship
- ORISE Fellowship (USACE)
- Lindsay-Kaufman, Amelia - Campus-wide 3 Minute Thesis Winner, Ph.D. Candidate
- Moyer, Benjamin
- Dean's Fellowship
- U.S. Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- Pedersen, Matthew - Dean's Fellowship
- Peterson, Liam
- Raith, Madeline - Dean's Fellowship
- Shelton, Sydney
- Sun, Jiayang - ESSIC Travel Award
- Shubham, Sourabh
- Udell-Lopez, Kathrine - Dr. Richard Payne Graduate Fellowship
- Varah-Sikes, Cosmo - NASA FINESST
- Vig, Zachary - Dean's Fellowship
- Andrews, Lucas - Dean's Fellowship
- Braccia, Casey
- Hanna, Ashley - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Khatib, Aisha - 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2022, Stephen E. Dwornik Planetary Geoscience Honorable Mention Graduate Poster Presentation Award
- Lindsay-Kaufman, Amelia - Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Pre-Candidate
- Maas, Carly
- Naseem, Mariam - Dean's Fellowship
- Sammon, Laura - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Paper - Compositional attributes of the deep continental crust inferred from geochemical and geophysical data
- Shelton, Sydney - GSA Graduate Student Research Grant
- Shubham, Sourabh - LEAG Early-Career/Student Travel Support (2022)
- Stepien, Kathleen - Dean's Fellowship
- Sun, Jiayang - Green Fellowship in Global Climate Change
- Taylor, Alexander - Graduate School’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- Udell-Lopez, Kathrine
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Green Fellowship in Global Climate Change
- Braccia, Casey - Dean Fellowship
- Galella, Joseph - EPA ORISE Fellowship
- Harvey, Kayleigh - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Paper - Assessing P-T variability in melange blocks from the Catalina Schist: Is there differential movement at the subduction interface?
- Hoff, Christiana - Faculty-Student Research Award
- Meyers, Heidi
- ESSIC Travel Award
- Goldhaber Travel Grant
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. University of Maryland College Park. AY 2020-2021
- Ni, Ziqin - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Pre-Candidate
- Peterson, Liam
- GSA Graduate Student Research Grant
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award AY 2020-2021
- Ravi, Rumya
- Taylor, Alexander - Dean's Fellowship
- Willhite, Lori - Geological Society of America CARES Grant
- Bell, Ernie - Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
- Butcher, Rebecca - GRAD Research Appreciation Day Award - 1st prize
- Crossley, Samuel - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Candidate
- Dottin III, James
- Goldhaber Travel support
- GRC Carl Storm Minority Fellowship
- Harvey, Kayleigh - ESSIC Travel Award
- Hoover, William - ESSIC Travel Grant
- Izquierdo, Kristel
- Foreign studies scholarship, 2019, CONACyT, Mexican government
- Outstanding Student Presentation Award, 2019, American Geophysical Union
- Marusiak, Angela - Seismological Society of America Travel Grant
- Nicklas, Robert
- Pearson, Karen
- Southern Regional Education Board Dissertation Fellowship
- Best Student Presentation Award at Seismology of the Americas SSA 2018 Annual Conference
- Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award. University of Maryland College Park. AY 2018-2019
- Sammon, Laura- Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Pre-Candidate
- Tornabene, Hope - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Master's Student
- Willhite, Lori
- Dean's Fellowship
- ESSIC Travel Award
- Wipperfurth, Scott
- University of Maryland Graduate School All-S.T.A.R. Fellowship
- University of Maryland Dean's Fellowship
- ESSIC Travel Award
- Butcher, Rebecca
- Dottin III, James - Travel Grant from Geochemical Society
- Galella, Joseph - Green Fellowship in Global Climate Change
- Gion, Austin - ESSIC Travel Award
- Goodling, Phillip - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Paper
- Harvey, Kayleigh
- ESSIC Travel Award
- GSA Graduate Research Grant
- Hilton, Connor - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Pre-Candidate
- Hoover, William - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Candidate
- Marusiak, Angela - NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (2018-2020)
- Sammon, Laura
- ESSIC Travel Award
- GSA Graduate Research Fellowship
- Schobelock, Jessica - ESSIC Student Travel Award
- Schools, Joe - University of Maryland Dean's Fellowship
- Wood, Kelsey - ESSIC Student Travel Award
- Xing, Tiange - Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
- Galella, Joseph - University of Maryland Dean's Fellowship
- Gao, Chao - Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship
- Goodling, Phillip - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Master's Student
- Huang, Quancheng
- Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Award
- International Conference Student Support Award
- ESSIC Travel Award
- Magalhaes, Nivea - Dean's Fellowship, University of Maryland
- Marusiak, Angela
- Morel, Carol - University of Maryland Dean's Fellowship
- Nicklas, Robert
- Schools, Joe
- NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship
- University of Maryland Merit Award
- Worsham, Emily - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Paper
- Xing, Tiange - Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship
- Bai, Hailong
- Greaney, Allison - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Pre-Candidate
- Huang, Quancheng - ESSIC Travel Award
- Kibikas, William - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Master's Student
- Lopatka, Alex - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Candidate
- Magalhaes, Nivea - Science Without Borders Fellowship, Brazilian Government
- Nicklas, Robert - ESSIC Travel Award
- Pearson, Karen
- CMNS Dean's Fellowship
- Best student poster award, Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America
- Schools, Joe
- Geology Department Merit Fellowship
- ESSIC Travel Grant
- Tang, Ming - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Paper
- Wipperfurth, Scott
- Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship
- DOE-INFN Summer Exchange Program Fellowship
- Xing, Tiange - Green Fellowship in Global Climate Change
- Cunningham, Erin - ESSIC Travel Award
- Gao, Chao - Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship
- Greaney, Allison - University of Maryland Flagship Fellowship
- Huang, Quancheng - Deans Fellowship (2015-2017)
- Lisabeth, Harry
- Lopatka, Alex
- University of Maryland Flagship Fellowship
- National Science Foundation EAPSI Fellow
- Nicklas, Willie - International Conference Student Support Award (ICSSA) Grant
- Tang, Ming
- Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
- Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship
- Goldschmidt Student Grant
- Goldhaber Travel Grant
- International Conference Student Support Award (ICSSA) Grant
- Xing, Tiange - Dean's Fellowship
- Zhelezinskaya, Iadviga - University of Maryland Graduate School All-S.T.A.R. Fellowship
- Archer, Gregory - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Pre-Candidate
- Bai, Hailong - Dean’s Fellowship, College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Maryland
- Cui, Huan - Dean's Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, College of Computer, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Maryland
- Cunningham, Erin
- ESSIC Travel Award, Earth Systems Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention
- Dean's Fellowship, University of Maryland
- Dottin, James - Ronald E. McNair Graduate Fellowship
- Gao, Chao - University of Maryland CTE-Graduate School International Teaching Fellow
- Greaney, Allison - University of Maryland Flagship Fellowship
- Jarboe, Palma - The Green Fellowship in Global Climate Change for the Spring 2014 Semester
- Larson, Mark - JSPS-Summer Program/NSF-EAPSI 2014 Fellow
- Lopatka, Alex
- University of Maryland Flagship Fellowship
- University of Maryland International Graduate Research Fellowship
- 2014 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention
- Miller, Kevin
- Plank, Carolyn - University of Maryland Graduate School Student Summer Research Fellowship
- Schools, Joe - University of Maryland Dean's Fellowship
- Sharp, Miriam - NASA Harriett Jenkins Pre-doctoral Fellowship Award
- Smith, Rose
- Summer Graduate Fellowship, Maryland Water Resources Research Center
- Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant
- Statkiewicz, Anna - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. Candidate
- Tang, Ming - GSA Graduate Research Grant
- Yakymchuk, Chris - National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Post Doctoral Fellowship
- Antonelli, Michael
- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada: Post-Graduate Scholarship (Doctoral)
- Mineralogical Association of Canada Travel Grant
- Bai, Hailong
- Dean’s Fellowship, College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Maryland
- Best Talk Award, Department of Geology, University of Maryland
- Botterell, Palma
- Brown, Caitlin
- Student Poster Award awarded by the Geochemical Society at Goldschmidt
- Geological Society of America graduate student research grant
- University of Maryland, International Conference Student Support Award for attendance/participation at the 2013 Goldschmidt conference
- Cui, Huan - University of Maryland Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award
- Harms, Brian – Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship, University of Maryland
- Larson, Mark - CMNS Dean's Fellowship
- Lopatka, Alex - The Green Fellowship in Global Climate Change
- Magalhaes, Nivea
- Dean's Fellowship, University of Maryland
- Science Without Borders Fellowship, Brazilian Government
- Pennino, Michael
- ESA Joan Ehrenfeld Award for Best Student Presentation in Urban Ecology
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- Sharp, Miriam - NASA Harriett Jenkins Pre-doctoral Fellowship Award- Year 3
- Smith, Rose - University of Maryland College Park Graduate School, Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship
- Statkiewicz, Anna - Geological Society of America Graduate Research Grant
- Yakymchuk, Chris
- Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, University of Maryland
- Geochemical Society Goldschmidt Travel Grant
- Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship, University of Maryland. Declined
- Geological Society of America Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division student research award (supplement to the GSA Graduate Research Grant)
- Geological Society of America Graduate Research Grant. Recognized for exceptional merit
- Explorers Club Washington Group Graduate Student Exploration and Field Research Grant
- Antonelli, Michael - Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada: Post-Graduate Scholarship (Masters)
- Bai, Hailong - Dean’s Fellowship, College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Maryland
- Botterell, Palma - ACS PRF New Directions Grant
- Eldridge, Daniel - NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship
- Gorman, Julia - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. Pre-Candidate
- Liu, Xiaoming
- Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, University of Maryland
- International Conference Student Support Award, University of Maryland
- Long, Kristy - Society of Economic Geologists Canada Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship Award
- Lopatka, Alex
- University of Maryland Flagship Fellowship
- University of Maryland Dean's Fellowship in Geology
- University of Maryland Geology Award
- Miller, Kevin
- Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Pre-Candidate
- Scholarship from the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
- Newcomer, Tamara
- University of Maryland, College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Dean’s Award
- University of Maryland, Bioscience Day Poster Award in the category of "Agriculture, Food, and Nutritional Sciences - Water Quality and Management"
- Peek, Sara - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. Candidate
- Roble, Leigh - Dean’s fellowship for the 2012-2013 academic year
- Smith, Rose - University of Maryland College Park, Graduate School, Dean’s Fellowship
- Yakymchuk, Chris - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. Candidate
- Arevalo, Jr., Ricardo - University of Maryland Distinguished Dissertation Award (which recognizes original work that makes an unusually significant contribution to the discipline)
- Eldridge, Daniel L. - University of Maryland, College Park, College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences: Dean's Fellowship
- Galenas, Miriam
- NASA Graduate Student Fellowship (awarded but not accepted)
- NASA-Harriett G. Jenkins Pre-doctoral Fellowship (next three years)
- Gribbin, Jill - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. (First Prize)
- Jenner, Brittany - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. (Runner-up)
- Liu, Jingao
- Goldschmidt Travel Grant (for attendance/participation at the 2011 Goldschmidt Conference)
- Goldhaber Travel Grant, Graduate School, University of Maryland
- International Conference Student Support Award, University of Maryland Graduate School
- Liu, Xiaoming - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. (Runner-up)
- Miller, Kristen - Green Fellowship in Global Climate Change
- Newcomer, Tamara A.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Network for Environmental Management Studies
- National Science Foundation STEM K-12 Education Graduate Fellowship
- Pennino, Michael
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Network for Environmental Management Studies Graduate Fellowship
- D.C. Water Internship
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- Seldomridge, Emily
- National Science Foundation Student Conference Grant for attendance/participation in International Critical Zone Student Symposium, University of Colorado at Boulder
- National Science Foundation Student Conference Grant for attendance/participation in Ninth International Symposium on Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface
- Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Award for attendance/participation at International Symposium on Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface
- President Loh International Conference Student Support Award for attendance/participation in joint meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, WETPOL, and Wetland Biogeochemistry symposium
- Shofner, Gregory A. - NASA GSRP Fellowship (Graduate Student Researchers Program; 3rd year renewal awarded)
- Tattitch, Brian - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. (First Prize)
- Walsh, Lisa
- Smithsonian institution short term visiting researcher fellowship
- UMD Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award
- Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting Travel Grant
- UMD Graduate Student Spotlight
- Yakymchuk, Chris- NSF Polar Programs Travel Grant (for attendance/participation at the 11th International Symposium for Antarctic Earth Sciences)
- Arevalo, Jr., Ricardo - Goldschmidt Travel Grant (for attendance/participation at 2010 Goldschmidt Conference)
- Bellucci, Jeremy
- Fischer, Rebecca - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. (First Prize)
- Galenas, Miriam - American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Scholarship
- Gava, Nicholas - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. (First Prize)
- Gribbin, Jill
- Maryland State Senatorial Scholarship
- Gordon Research Conference Funds (funding for participation in the 2010 GRC on Rock Deformation)
- Harms, Brian - Marie Curie Travel Grant (for attendance/participation at 2010 INTRAMIF Summer School)
- Klochko, Kateryna - Geological Society of America SUBARU Outstanding Woman in Science Award
- Liu, Xiaoming - Goldschmidt Travel Grant (for attendance/participation at 2010 Goldschmidt Conference)
- Occhi, Marcie - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. (Runner-up)
- Pennino, Michael
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2010 – 2013)
- Member of UMBC Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, The National Leadership Honor Society (for demonstrating leadership in the academic community - May 2010-Present)
- Member of UMBC Golden Key International Honour Society (for Academic Excellence and Leadership - November 2009- Present)
- Qiu, Lin
- Seldomridge, Emily
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellowship
- National Science Foundation-sponsored National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics short course on rivers and vegetation participant, St. Anthony’s Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota
- Tattitch, Brian - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. (Runner-up)
- Yakymchuk, Christopher A.
- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada: Post-Graduates Scholarship (Doctoral)
- University of Maryland, College Park University Fellowship
- University of Maryland, College Park Special Fellowship
- Arevalo, Jr., Ricardo D.
- Fisher, Rebecca - National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
- Galenas, Miriam - American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Scholarship
- Gribbin, Jill - Maryland State Senatorial Scholarship
- Harms, Brian - Green Fellowship in Global Climate Change
- Liu, Xiaoming
- Association for Women Geoscientists Sand Student Research Presentation Travel Award
- Geological Society of America Student Travel Grant
- Miller, Kristen
- Distinguished TA Award (Center for Teaching Excellence, the Dean for Undergraduate Studies, and the Dean of the Graduate School)
- Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. (Runner-up)
- Mitchell, Garrett
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists P.C. Havens/Seismic Exchange Inc. Scholarship
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists Donald and Nancy Frye Scholarship
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Summer Student Fellowship
- Oduro, Harry D. - Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship
- Potter, Rachel - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. (First Prize)
- Seldomridge, Emily
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellowship
- Atlantic Estuarine Research Society Student Conference Grant (for attendance/participation in Atlantic Estuarine Research Society meeting)
- Scheiderich, Kathleen D.
- Shofner, Gregory A. - NASA GSRP Internship (Graduate Student Researchers Program; up to 3 years)
- Walsh, Lisa
- Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. (Runner-up)
- Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Award
- GSA Photo Contest & Exhibition, 2nd place in Pacific Northwest category
- GSA Northeastern Conference Student Travel Grant
- Wu, Nanping - Goldschmidt Travel Grant (for attendance/participation at 2009 Goldschmidt Conference)
- Kerrigan, Ryan - CMPS Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- Klochko, Kateryna - Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
- Liu, Jingao - Travel award to attend the Ninth International Kimberlite Conference (Frankfurt, Germany)
- Liu, Xiaoming - GSA graduate student research grant
- Oduro, Harry D. - Goldhaber Travel Grant Award
- Reno, Barry L.
- Scheiderich, Kathleen D. - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. (Runner-up)
- Arevalo, Jr., Ricardo D.
- Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. (First Prize)
- Travel Award to attend the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference (Cologne, Germany)
- Centorbi, Tracey - Science adviser for the book "Raging Forces: Life on a Violent Planet" by George W. Stone (National Geographic Society)
- Hankin, Erik - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. (Runner-up)
- Klochko, Kateryna- Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, Ph.D. (Runner-up)
- Liu, Xiaoming - Geological Society of America Student Travel Grant
- Mengason, Michael - Department of Geology, Best Graduate Student Talk, M.S. (First Prize)
- Oduro, Harry D. - The PRIME Fellowship Award
- Potter, Rachel - Geological Society of America Grants in Aid recipient
- Reno, Barry L. - COE 21 Award Recipient to perform research at the Institute for the Study of the Earth's Interior (Misasa, Japan)
- Cooney, Katherine S. - Partial funding of graduate research by Maryland Water Resources Research Center
- Honesto, Jenise M. - Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation Scholarship Award
- Jamieson, John - Jacob K. Goldhaber travel grant from UMD Graduate School for the GACMAC Conference in Halifax, NS
- Johnston, David T. - International school of Aquatic Sciences (SOAS) Graduate Scholarship
- Scheiderich, Kathleen D. - Center for Teaching Excellence Distinguished TA Award
- Baker, Margaret Anne - Recipient of a Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant
- Brabson, Elizabeth - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth System Science Fellowship
- Brody, Kristina Bartlett - Recipient of a 2004 Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant
- Cooney, Katherine S. - Partial funding of graduate research by Maryland Water Resources Research Center
- France (Missell), Christine - Geological Society of America Student Grant. "Nitrogen and carbon isotopic evidence of the trophic structure in the Miocene Calvert Cliffs (Maryland, USA) fauna"
- Gangopadhyay, Amitava
- Ilene H. Nagel Travel Grant
- International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG) Travel Grant Award
- Honesto, Jenise M. - Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation Scholarship Award
- Ireland, Thomas
- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Post-Graduate Scholarship
- University of Maryland Graduate School Fellowship
- Johnston, David T.
- University of Maryland, Department of Geology, Field Scholarship
- NASA NAI Research Scholarship
- Scheiderich, Kathleen D. - College of CMPS Scholarship
- Teerlink, Jennifer - Geological Society of America Grant
- Brabson, Elizabeth - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth System Science Fellowship
- Cooney, Katherine S. - partial funding of graduate research by Maryland Water Resources Research Center
- Ireland, Thomas
- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Post-Graduate Scholarship
- University of Maryland Graduate School Fellowship
- Jamieson, John - Post-Graduate Scholarship from NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council, Canada) - "Application of sulfur multiple isotopes to formation processes of Archean Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits."
- Johnston, David T. - International school of Aquatic Sciences (SOAS) Graduate Scholarship
- Teerlink, Jennifer - Geological Society of America Grant
- Cooney, Katherine S. - Partial funding of graduate research by Maryland Water Resources Research Center
- Gangopadhyay, Amitava - Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, UMD Graduate School
- Mann, Jacqueline
- EPA STAR Fellowship
- Sigma Xi Grant
- Geological Society of America Grant
- Rhodes, Gwendolyn - 2-year Graduate School Fellowship
- Mann, Jacqueline - EPA STAR Fellowship