These guidelines are supplemental to the "University of Maryland Policy on the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources".
Computing decisions are made with the advice of the faculty.
These guidelines apply to department-purchased computing facilities in open access areas (Department Public Computers). These areas include department computer rooms/ modeling labs. In addition, decisions with regard to department support for software or hardware for department-purchased computers not in open access areas (e.g., in faculty or department offices or research labs -- Department Private Computers) are considered a department computing decision.
Separation of Support Responsibilities
Department computing facilities are considered to belong to one of two classes. These classes are determined primarily by the use of these computers. Department Private Computers in administrative use, and Department Public Computers, except UNIX (e.g., Sun) systems, are supported by department funds. Such funding will support input and output functions of these systems, as well as system and software upgrades, and maintenance. UNIX (e.g., Sun) systems, whether Department Public Computers or Department Private Computers, will be supported by research funds. These funds will support input and output functions of these systems, system and software upgrades, and the costs of service accounts.
Access to Department Public Computers
In general, these systems will be open to all faculty, staff, and graduate students in the department. Access hours may be controlled for some labs, and access to some platforms and peripherals may be limited. The department computer facility is the Modeling Laboratory in the Chemistry Building (CHEM 1215). Access to this laboratory by graduate students, faculty, and staff is by card key on a 24 hour basis. Access to this laboratory by undergraduate majors in the Geology Department is with permission (initial request should be directed to Dr. P.M. Piccoli,
Personal Files on Department Public Computers
Because of the need to optimize system operation, disks must be periodically purged of unneeded (or no-longer-needed) files. Such disk maintenance will be undertaken on an as-needed basis. Appropriate warning will be provided to users of Department Public Computers of such upcoming hard disk maintenance, to allow backup or transfer of personal files, or, in exceptional cases, appeals for a maintenance delay.
Personal Software on Department Public Computers
The installation of personal software on Department Public Computers will be with Department approval only. It is anticipated that such approval will be granted only if it can be demonstrated that no other installed copies of the software exist elsewhere in the Department, and that the installation of the software would benefit the teaching or research functions of the Department.
Miscellaneous Notes About Computing in Geology
Access to Computers
The Department of Geology maintains one departmental computer room (modeling laboratory), one in Room 1109 of the Geology Building (GEOL 1109). Full-time graduate students will have their ID activated to open the door. Upper level undergraduate students will be granted permission on a need to access basis (possibly requiring faculty sponsorship) for use in geology-related research. People who do not get card key access, should not be in the room. Please do not let them in. Providing access to computers in the Department to unauthorized persons may lead to withdrawal of your computing privileges.
When using departmental computers, keep the following in mind:
- Software illegally installed on the computers will be removed.
- Personal files should not be stored on departmental computers - they will be removed periodically from machines.
- Virus checkers are loaded onto all departmental computers.
Printing is a privilege. At present, Geology is the only department on Campus that allows students to print at no cost to them. Printers are not xerox machines, devices to print relatives resumes, etc. Abuse of this sort will ensure that a cost for use scheme will be implemented. Please use caution when filling paper trays, and please send a note to when a low toner message appears.
Problems and Comments Pertaining to Computers
An electronic mail account has been set up in the department to report computer hardware and software problems in computer rooms, requests for information, etc., as follows
Responses to requests will be made through electronic mail whenever possible.
Departmental Home Page
The department maintains a home page that can be accessed through the internet. The address for the page is:
Several graduate students have their own pages. If you would like to set up your own, send an e-mail message to stating such.
If you have any comments, questions, etc., about the home page, you can send those to the same address.
The Computer Science Center Acceptable Use Policy, attached below, is on file as official University policy as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
University of Maryland Policy on the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
A Guide to the Legal and Ethical Use of Software for Members of the Academic Community