As the departmental endowment grows, the Department anticipates awarding two prizes for graduate research, one for doctoral student research and one for masters student research, based on presentations each academic year at the Graduate Student Seminar Days (normally held in winter/spring).
The two prizes (normally $100 each) will be awarded at the end of the calendar year as part of the Holiday Party festivities. Prizes will be presented as part of a combined awards ceremony for Geology, Meteorology and ESSIC.
The following are the approved guidelines (Faculty Meeting of 1/23/2004) for awarding prizes by the Graduate Prize Committee [Membership: Director of Graduate Studies and Chair of Committee (currently Dr. Walker); and, two faculty (currently Drs. McDonough and Kaufman)].
Graduate Research Prize
Each Academic year, the department will give a prize for the best Doctoral and Masters student research presented at the Graduate Student Seminar Days (the award division will be based on the current academic status of the student at the time of the talk).
Criteria: Awards will be made based on the following criteria:
- the quality of the science presented;
- the quality and clarity of the presentation;
- and, the length of the presentation falls within the time guideline provided by the seminar organizer.
Procedure: Students will be informed of the existence of these awards by the Graduate Director at the beginning of each Graduate Student Seminar Day. A document outlining the criteria for the awards will be posted on the Departmental Graduate Program web site.
Prizes: The amount of the prizes will vary depending on the availability of funds. It is anticipated that at least two awards will be made each year.