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Tolulope M. Olugboji

Post-Doctoral Associate

Ph.D. Yale University, 2014


GEOL 3107
Geology Building
8000 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742

Phone: (301) 314-0954

Fax: (301) 314-9661

olugboji [at] umd [dot] edu



Research Interests

Tolu joined the seismology lab in Fall of 2014, having completed a Ph.D. at Yale University. Tolu has worked on placing seismic constraints on the nature and origin of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. He has also worked on elucidating crustal structure beneath oceanic islands. At Maryland, he is working on using EarthScope seismic data to improve constraints on crustal structure and composition across the United States. The project is a collaboration among Profs. Rudnick, McDonough, and Lekic.