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Lori Willhite

Graduate Student


CHM 0226
Chemistry Building
8051 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742

Fax: (301) 405-3597

lnw [at] umd [dot] edu




Willhite, L.N., Jackson, M.G., Blichert-Toft, J., Bindeman, I., Kurz, M.D., Halldórsson, S.A., Harðardóttir, S., Gazel, E., Price, A.A., Byerly, B. L. (2019) Hot and heterogenous high-3He/4He components: New constraints from proto-Iceland plume lavas from Baffin Island. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 20 5939-5967. DOI: 10.1029/2019gc008654

Willhite, L., Ni, Z., Arevalo, R., Bardyn, A., Gundersen, C., Minasola, N., Southard, A., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Colin, F., Grubisic, A., Fahey, M., Yu, A., Hernandez, E., Ersahin, A., Danell, R., Makarov, A. (2021) CORALS: A Laser Desorption/Ablation Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for In Situ Exploration of Europa. 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100). 2021 1-13. DOI: 10.1109/AERO50100.2021.9438221

Arevalo Jr., R., Willhite, L., Bardyn, A., Ni, Z., Ray, S., Southard, A., Danell, R., Grubisic, A., Gundersen, C., Minasola, N., Yu, A., Fahey, M., Hernandez, E., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Colin, F., Makarov, A. (2023) Laser desorption mass spectrometry with an Orbitrap analyser for in situ astrobiology. Nature Astronomy. DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01866-x

Ni, Z., Arevalo Jr., R., Bardyn, A., Willhite, L., Ray, S., Southard, A., Danell, R., Graham, J., Li, X., Chou, L., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Makarov, A., Brinckerhoff, W., Eigenbrode, J., Nunn, B., Junge, K. (2023) Detection of Short Peptide Putative Biosignatures of Psychrophiles via Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry. Astrobiology. 23(6) DOI: 10.1089/ast.2022.0138

Arevalo Jr, R., Willhite, L., Bardyn, A., Ni, Z., Ray, S., Southard, A., Danell, R., Grubisic, A., Gundersen, C., Minasola, N., Yu, A., Fahey, M., Hernandez, E., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Colin, F., Makarov, A. (2023) Laser desorption mass spectrometry with an Orbitrap analyser for in situ astrobiology. Nature Astronomy. 7 359–365. DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01866-x

Willhite, L.N.,  Arevalo, R., Jr.,  Piccoli, P.,  Lassiter,  J. C., Rand, D., Jackson, M.G., Day, J.M.D., Nicklas, R.W., Locmelis, M., Ireland, T.J., Puchtel, I.S. (2024) Oxygen Fugacity of Global Ocean Island Basalts. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 25(1) e2023GC011249. DOI: 10.1029/2023GC011249

Willhite, L.N., Finlayson, V.A., Walker, R.J. (2024) Evolution of tungsten isotope systematics in the Mauna Kea volcano provides new constraints on anomalous µ182W and high 3He/4He in the mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 640 118795. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118795

Ray, S., Arévalo Jr, R., Southard, A., Willhite, L., Bardyn, A.,  Ni, Z., Danell, R., Grubisic, A., Gundersen, C., Llano, J., Yu, A., Fahey, M., Hernandez, E., Graham, J., Lee, J., Ersahin, A., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Colin, F., Makarov, A. (2024) Characterization of Regolith And Trace Economic Resources (CRATER): An Orbitrap-based laser desorption mass spectrometry instrument for in situ exploration of the Moon. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 38(6) e9657. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.9657

Willhite, L., Arevalo Jr, R., Piccoli, P., Lassiter, J.C., Rand, D., Jackson, M.G., Day, J.M.D., Nicklas, R.W., Locmelis, M., Ireland, T.J., Puchtel, I.S. (2024) Oxygen Fugacity of Ocean Island Basalts. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 25(1) e2023GC011249. DOI: 10.1029/2023GC011249